NovaThreads: Your Guide to PDO Threading


As you age, you can expect wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Chances are you’ll start looking for ways to reduce these skin issues as quickly as possible. One of the most sought-after ways to reverse signs of aging is a facelift.

A traditional facelift involves complicated, expensive surgery that aims to tighten the facial skin and reduce signs of aging.

Individuals who opt for this procedure must take a few weeks off work and exercise to fully recover, making many hesitant about having it done. Of course, there are also risks associated with any invasive medical procedure.

Thankfully, beauty technology has progressed and made achieving a more youthful appearance more attainable now than ever before. One of the most revolutionary treatments on the market today is PDO threading.

What Is PDO Threading? 

Polydioxanone (PDO) threading is the ultimate non-surgical alternative to the traditional facelift procedure. PDO has been used for years in cardiothoracic surgeries because of its ability to absorb quickly without creating any scar tissue.

This thread lift procedure involves a certified medical professional who will introduce polydioxanone threading deep into the tissues of your skin.

This thread naturally lifts and tightens the surrounding skin through cell renewal and collagen stimulation.

The biodegradable polyester sutures can remain in the skin for six months, and the effects of this procedure can last for up to two years!

However, when it comes to thread lifts, they aren’t all created equal. Different brands of PDO threads produce different results. The Novathread is currently the best thread on the market.

How NovaThreads Differs from Other PDO Threads

NovaThreads were the first-ever FDA-approved PDO threads on the market. They’re unlike other thread procedures because they aren’t prone to scar formation, can’t be felt underneath the skin, and are fully absorbed in a shorter time.

What’s more, NovaThreads provide instant results so you can walk out of the office with younger, more vibrant skin.

What about recovery or downtime? None, and none! You won’t have to worry about taking time off from your normal day-to-day activities to heal from this non-surgical facelift procedure.

Typically, you can only get one surgical facelift due to scarring. However, you can get thread lifts as often as every one to two years.

PDO Threading in Tampa, FL

When you’re looking to book a non-surgical facelift, first make sure you choose a reputable cosmetic surgeon. No matter how great a product is, a surgeon can make or break the process for you.

At BevelUp, we have decades of combined experience in perfecting the art of cosmetic surgery. Our Tampa, FL, clients benefit from unmatched PDO threading services and medical guidance they know they can count on. When you book us for your procedure, you can expect:

  • Transparent pricing
  • Innovative products and services
  • Friendly staff members

Ready to book your PDO threading procedure? Give us a call! We’re your go-to local cosmetic non-invasive facial aesthetics professionals.


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